[d2rq-dev] bundling d2rq and SDB data sources as a sparql service. [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Paul Murray
2015-03-02 04:07:29 UTC
OMG! OMG! It works! It works!
I spoke too soon. But - I believe that I have success, finally, even if I am a bit more cautions now about declaring it

Of course, it's version problem. TDB 0.8.10 works against ARQ 2.8.8, d2rq uses arq 2.9

Happily, TDB 0.9.0-incubating works against ARQ 2.9.

To run Joseki as a stand-alone sparql service and bundle together TDB, D2R, and static files, hack up the classpath. The classpath should include

* All of the d2rq jars
* jetty-6.1.25.jar and jetty-util-6.1.25.jar from the Joseki lib directory
* jena-tdb-0.9.0-incubating.jar


java -server -Xmx2G -cp "$CP" -Dlog4j.configuration=etc/log4j.properties joseki.rdfserver --port 8081 config.ttl

Or something like it.
Paul Murray
2015-03-03 02:18:49 UTC

As I have been pestering this list about my work, I thought it might be nice to tell you how it has turned out.

Our SPARQL service lives at http://biodiversity.org.au/sparql
There is a basic HTML page backed by it at http://biodiversity.org.au/dataexport/html/NSL_SPARQL.html

I haven't updated this page yet, so it does not have examples relating to the new dataset, but it does have plenty of @prefix declarations whic we will want :) .

In any case, lets take this query:

select *
where {
graph g:all {
<http://biodiversity.org.au/apni.name/2242> ?p ?o
limit 50

Now, the URI above is an old-style URI (the weird format is to make it compatible with LSIDs). Most of the triples in the results come from a TDB dataset named JAN2015_APNI . However, there's one triple - http://biodiversity.org.au/voc/boa/BOA#mapsTo - which is pulled from the database. It indicates the new URI for the name, now that we have moved over to the new system.

Consequently, one can write

select *
where {
graph g:all {
<http://biodiversity.org.au/apni.name/2242> <http://biodiversity.org.au/voc/boa/BOA#mapsTo> ?newId .
?newId ?p ?o .
limit 50

To get the new content live from the database (well, from our test database, but whatever) using the old id. And we can union the data together:

select ?p ?o
where {
graph g:all {
<http://biodiversity.org.au/apni.name/2242> <http://biodiversity.org.au/voc/boa/BOA#mapsTo> ?newId .
{<http://biodiversity.org.au/apni.name/2242> ?p ?o }
{ ?newId ?p ?o . }
ORDER BY ?p ?o
limit 50

So, it's all pretty good.
Richard Cyganiak
2015-03-03 10:02:55 UTC
Congrats! Glad you got it to work! Hope that performance is acceptable with this setup.

Post by Paul Murray
As I have been pestering this list about my work, I thought it might be nice to tell you how it has turned out.
Our SPARQL service lives at http://biodiversity.org.au/sparql
There is a basic HTML page backed by it at http://biodiversity.org.au/dataexport/html/NSL_SPARQL.html
select *
where {
graph g:all {
<http://biodiversity.org.au/apni.name/2242> ?p ?o
limit 50
Now, the URI above is an old-style URI (the weird format is to make it compatible with LSIDs). Most of the triples in the results come from a TDB dataset named JAN2015_APNI . However, there's one triple - http://biodiversity.org.au/voc/boa/BOA#mapsTo - which is pulled from the database. It indicates the new URI for the name, now that we have moved over to the new system.
Consequently, one can write
select *
where {
graph g:all {
<http://biodiversity.org.au/apni.name/2242> <http://biodiversity.org.au/voc/boa/BOA#mapsTo> ?newId .
?newId ?p ?o .
limit 50
select ?p ?o
where {
graph g:all {
<http://biodiversity.org.au/apni.name/2242> <http://biodiversity.org.au/voc/boa/BOA#mapsTo> ?newId .
{<http://biodiversity.org.au/apni.name/2242> ?p ?o }
{ ?newId ?p ?o . }
ORDER BY ?p ?o
limit 50
So, it's all pretty good.
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